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2022-2023 Expense Report

Dear ICAG Parents and Community,

As we conclude our fiscal year on July 31, 2023, we are pleased to present the comprehensive expense report for the 2022-2023 school year. We invite you to review this report, a testament to the collaborative efforts of our dedicated Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO), as we continue to work together for the betterment of our school.

Our shared commitment has yielded remarkable results. Over the past year, we raised a commendable total of $6,551.02, a testament to our collective support. Through careful stewardship, we allocated $3,877.96 toward bolstering the learning experience and providing vital support to our esteemed teachers, staff, and school. These funds have been thoughtfully distributed to amplify the impact of our contributions.

In our pursuit of effective financial management, we discovered the utility of MoneyMinder as a tool for streamlining budget oversight on a month-by-month basis. This resource promises to enhance our fiscal efficiency and transparency, ensuring the responsible allocation of resources.

We would like to draw your attention to a minor clarification for your reference: in this report, “Spring Festival” refers to our beloved “Children’s Day Festival,” and “Fall Festival” corresponds to the well-known “Trunk or Treat” event.

As we reflect on the year that has passed and look ahead to the future, the PTO Board convened to assess how we could optimally support our school’s operational needs and educational objectives, all while advancing our unique PTO initiatives that enrich the experiences of our ICAG students. After extensive deliberation, the PTO Board proudly voted to introduce an amendment to our PTO Bylaws, establishing a dedicated section termed “Donation Percentage.” This pivotal section stipulates that the PTO will allocate 10% of the funds raised within a fiscal year to the school. These contributions are designated to address the school’s specific educational needs, affording them the discretion to direct the funds where they would have the most impact. We encourage you to delve into the PTO bylaws for a more comprehensive understanding.

As we eagerly approach the upcoming year, we extend our heartfelt gratitude for your unwavering support. We welcome your input and inquiries, and we anticipate productive discussions at our next PTO Meeting. Let us seize this opportunity to exchange ideas and collaboratively shape an even more impactful year ahead for the benefit of our ICAG students.

Warm regards, Frankie Robinson

PTO President

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