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05.10.23 PTO Meeting Agenda ミーティング概要

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The school needs TWO paraprofessionals (assistant teachers) next year. If you or someone you know is interested, apply here.

Tomorrow, we will be discussing and sharing the following things. 明日のミーティングでは、以下のことを話し合い、共有する予定です。

Japan’s Children’s Day Festival / 子供の日祭り


Japan’s Children’s Day Festival was so fun! Thank you all for attending and/or volunteering! It was absolutely amazing. We had so many volunteers that we ran out of volunteer t-shirts!

What was successful about this event?

  • Building a stronger relationship with integral members within the ICAG community, including the ICAG School Board, Japan-America Society of Georgia, and local businesses.
  • Getting to know the sponsorship application process so that we may raise funds from our surrounding community, rather than within our school.
  • Good relations with Gwinnett County Parks and Recreation
  • Fundraising! So far, we know that we’ve raised $4,833.14!
  • We won’t know how much we truly raised until all vendors and food trucks complete their donations. Their deadline is May 31, 2023. Most businesses chose to donate 10% of their profit from the festival.

What did we learn from this experience?

  • Regarding monetary sponsorship, many businesses need at least 12 weeks to consider being a sponsor.
  • If we start this process in August, we could potentially raise enough money to offer free tickets or wristband to each ICAG student so that every child can enjoy the festivities.
  • Vendors want to know there will be a large audience. We couldn’t guarantee that this year, but we can next year.
  • When seeking volunteers, partnering with Japan-America Society of Georgia is key to hosting an event where our families can truly enjoy a public event with their children.



  • ICAG理事会、ジョージア日米協会、地元企業など、ICAGコミュニティ内の重要なメンバーとのより強い関係を築くことができました。
  • スポンサーシップの申請方法を学んだことで、学校内だけではなく、周囲のコミュニティから資金を集めることが期待できます。
  • グイネット郡パークス・アンド・レクリエーションとの良い関係が築けました。
  • 今のところ、4,833.14ドルの資金が集まっていることが分かっています!
  • 最終決済は、すべてのベンダーとフードトラックが寄付を完了するまではわかりません。締め切りは2023年5月31日です。ほとんどのベンダー、フードトラックの皆様から、このフェスティバルで得た利益の10%を寄付して頂くことになっています。


  • スポンサーについては、多くの企業がスポンサーになることを検討するために少なくとも12週間を必要とすることが分かりました。
  • 8月にこのプロセスを開始すれば、ICAGの学生一人ひとりに無料チケットやリストバンドを提供し、すべての子どもたちがお祭りを楽しめるような資金を集めることができるかもしれません。
  • ベンダーは、多くの観客が集まることを知りたがっていました。今年は保証できませんでしたが、来年は保証できることでしょう。
  • ボランティアを募集する場合、ジョージア日米協会と協力することが、子供たちと一緒に公共の場を楽しむことができるイベントを開催する鍵になることを学びました。


  • The deadline for purchasing a yearbook was Friday, May 5, 2023. However, this has been extended and you can still purchase a yearbook by Friday, May 12.
  • The deadline for booster ads in the yearbook was Friday, April 28, 2023. To ensure that the yearbooks are received in time, we cannot extend the booster ad deadline.
  • イヤーブックの購入期限は、2023年5月5日(金)でしたが、5月12日(金)まで期限を延長することになりました。
  • イヤーブックへのブースター広告の締め切りは、2023年4月28日(金)でした。ブースターページに関しましては、イヤーブックの受け取りを間に合わせるため、締め切りを延長することはできませんので、ご了承下さい。

2023-2024 PTO Membership


We are accepting 2023-2024 PTO Members now! Click here to be a member next year!

We will have a booth at field day, so feel free to stop by!!




PTO Board Nominations


We’ve had a couple PTO Board nominations in recent weeks! Yay! You can nominate yourself or nominate someone else (with their approval) for a PTO board position. Click here to make a PTO Board Nomination!



5th Grade Graduation


On May 25, 2023, the school is hosting a special event for the 5th graders during the school day. On May 9, 2023, the PTO Board met with Principal Jones and discussed what we could to make this event extra special. We’ve decided that, to ensure all 5th graders can attend, we will merge the off-campus 5th grade reception with this on-campus 5th grade game & pizza day.

The students are still having a game and pizza event. However, parents don’t have to organize transportation and family festivities around it because it will occur during the school day. All children can attend, and other children will see this fun event as something to anticipate when they enter 5th grade. The main difference is that parents and extended family wouldn’t be attending.

More tentative details will be shared tomorrow.





2022-2023 PTO Initiatives Update


Let’s discuss our initial PTO Initiatives and how we can bring them to fruition! The PTO initiatives that we had voted on in the past.

Paying for charter buses for school field trips.

Library Makeover

PE Equipment

Additional big item: Playground.







大きな目標: 運動場の設置


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