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Check out the new library design!


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A total of $4,195 was raised in the fundraising campaign for the library renovation project held in October! Thank you very much for all your support!! Since we did not reach our goal of $40,000, we plan to consult with the school and decide how to proceed with the renovation of the library. We will notify you as soon as future details are decided. We will continue to accept donations for library renovations, so we appreciate your continued support!

Donation Page

Announcement of calendar results

Three students completed their calendars!
-1st grade / Annie Williams
-2nd grade / Ruby Young
-4th grade / Joe Barfield

These students will receive a special T-shirt for the campaign! congratulations 🙌

✨Announcement of total fundraising results by grade level✨

🌟Kindergarten: $635.55 🌟1st grade: $955.08 🌟2nd gradet: $1303.36 🌟3rd grade: $215.83 🌟4th grade: $699.06 🌟5th grade: $134.20

🌟Total amount: $4,195.68🌟


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