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Library Makeover Campaign Preparation Guidelines

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What is our goal?

Our goal is to raise $40,000 for the school’s library transformation project.

What is the plan for the library?

Library Makeover Feasibility Plan:

We are thrilled to share that the ICAGeorgia Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO) has meticulously planned the feasibility of our upcoming library makeover project. Here’s a detailed overview of our progress:

Feasibility Planning:

  • The PTO has completed a comprehensive feasibility plan to determine the most suitable location for our library makeover.
  • Our research and consultations with experts have helped us identify the ideal space within the school to transform into an enriching library environment.

Product Selection:

  • We have meticulously chosen the necessary products, including new bookshelves, furniture, and other essential items, to create a vibrant and functional library space.
  • These products have been carefully selected to cater to the diverse needs of our students, teachers, and staff.

Installation Ready:

  • We are excited to announce that we are fully prepared for the installation phase of the library makeover.
  • With your support in fundraising, we have secured a quote that covers both the cost of the selected products and their professional installation.

Efficiency and Speed:

  • If we successfully raise the funds required for the library makeover, we can have the installation completed within a remarkably short timeframe.
  • In fact, the installation team can transform the chosen space into a functional library in as little as two days.

Post-Installation Steps:

  • It’s important to note that while the installation process will be swift, it does not include the organization of books or the implementation of the check-in and check-out system.
  • These crucial steps will follow the installation to ensure that our library is fully operational and ready to serve our students.

In-Kind Donation Opportunity:

  • As part of our plan to enhance the library experience, we are exploring the possibility of in-kind donations.
  • One such donation opportunity is the provision of iPads, which could serve as a self-checkout system. These iPads could be securely installed or attached to the wall, streamlining the borrowing process for our students and promoting independence in using library resources.

We are excited about the progress we’ve made in planning this transformative library makeover. With your generous support, we can turn this plan into a reality and provide our students with a captivating and inspiring space for learning and exploration. Thank you for being a part of this exciting journey!

What is the fundraising campaign?

Our fundraising campaign revolves around the ‘Pick a Date to Donate’ calendar. Students receive this calendar at school and are encouraged to ask family and friends to sponsor specific dates by donating the same amount as that date. For example, sponsoring the 1st means donating $1, while sponsoring a week means $28.

When will be the campaign kickoff?

The campaign will officially kick off at our first Movie Under the Stars event on September 29, where we’ll present an exciting commercial to get students and families excited.

How will we keep everyone up-to-date with our fundraising progress?

We’ll keep everyone informed about our progress through weekly status updates, which will be shared via Slack and email.

How will we celebrate the conclusion of this campaign?

To celebrate the successful conclusion of this fundraiser, we have a special event planned: the Storybook Spectacular Movie Under the Stars on October 27. It’s a fantastic way to wrap up this campaign and show our appreciation to all contributors.

Class Parents’ Guide for the Library Makeover Fundraiser:

1. Sign-Up and Naming:

  • To get started, please sign up for the Library Makeover Fundraiser via DonorBox. You will receive an invitation from a PTO Board member.
  • When signing up, please enter your name as follows: First Name: Kindergarten, First, Second, and so on, and Last Name: Grade.
  • For instance, if you are a Class Parent for First Grade, your name should appear as “First Grade Fundraiser for the Library Makeover.”

2. Sharing the Link:

  • After signing up, share the provided link with your Class Representative. This link is essential for updating the PTO website with grade-specific donation links.

3. Grade-Specific Calendars:

  • The board will provide grade-specific ‘Pick-A-Date-to-Donate’ calendars. These calendars contain grade-specific donation links.
  • While students seek sponsors for each date on their calendar, donors will use the provided link to make their donation “in honor of” a specific student.
  • Donors will be required to include an email recipient, ideally the parents/guardians of the student.

4. Tracking Donations:

  • As donations come in, Class Parents play a crucial role in tracking individual students’ fundraising progress.
  • We need your assistance in monitoring:
    • The number of students who have raised funds.
    • The number of students who have raised $120, effectively completing dates 1-15.
    • The number of students who have completed their entire calendar.
    • The total number of students in your class.

5. Special Prizes:

  • Students can earn a free library tote after raising $120 and a t-shirt upon completing their entire calendar.
  • To ensure we have the right number of totes and t-shirts, it’s important to track these achievements.

6. Reporting Deadlines:

  • Please share the following information with us by Friday evening, starting the Friday after September 29th until October 27:
    • The count of students who have raised funds.
    • The count of students who have raised $120.
    • The count of students who completed their calendar.
    • The total number of students in your class.

Your support and timely reporting will help us run a successful fundraiser and celebrate our students and classes effectively. Thank you for your dedication!


We’d love to keep you updated with our latest news and events 😎

Note: Subscribing to our newsletter is different from becoming a PTO Member. Our newsletter is free and open to anyone interested in our support for the International Charter Academy of Georgia. PTO Memberships cost $35, and you can sign up separately if you wish to join.